
Echo™ Reblooming Azaleas

Add some fun to the garden! Watch our video to see how! 

Meet Augusta Echo®

The heat-loving, sun-basking, repeat-blooming azalea that isn't afraid to show off.

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    Blooms that echo through the seasons.

    Echo Blooms™ varieties have two seasons of blooms!

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    Plays well with others

    Augusta Echo® is an azalea for full sun, but also mixes well in dappled sunlight with hostas and other shade tolerant plants.

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    Big and bold

    Hedges don't have to be boring. Get privacy and attention with a bold wall of flowers.

The azaleas that are reliable bloomers for Southern summers

Augusta Echo® has the hardiness and vigor that generations of gardeners have loved about Southern Indica azaleas. This new Echo® variety is fast-growing, low maintenance, and flowers in two seasons. And it is the best azalea for full sun!

  • Enjoy them all together
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    No Shrinking Violet

    Plant one Echo® azalea to make a statement in the garden. Plant a group, and you'll have a jaw-dropping display.

    Rhododendron x 'RutRhod1' PPAF

Bring the Sizzle

3 Reasons why we say Augusta Echo® is the South's SHOWIEST reblooming azalea. Brought to you from Gardener's Confidence® Collection.



Huge, brilliant fuchsia flowers



Big and bold in the landscape, reaching six feet tall and wide



Superior spring and late summer-fall blooms

Planting your Augusta Echo® Azalea

The Augusta Echo® has all of the sun and heat tolerance of a traditional Southern Indica hybrid, so you can plant it where it will really shine!

Augusta Echo® can be planted in full sun or partial shade.

As a sport of the beloved variety 'Formosa', Augusta Echo® can grow to six feet tall and wide, so plant it where it has space to show off.

Azaleas like rich, well-drained, acidic soil. Try adding composted pine bark or other organic matter to your soil to improve drainage. Plant any Echo® at or slightly above the surrounding soil line to help give roots room to breathe. Water well to help your Echo® azaleas settle into their new home, and mulch to help conserve soil moisture.

Caring for your Echo® Azaleas

These Echo® Azaleas are meant to show off! Take advantage of their naturally vigorous growth habit to create a showstopping display in the garden. The August Echo®, and all of our Echo Blooms™ varieties are easy to grow, can take some sun and are dependable rebloomers. 

If pruning is necessary, make selective cuts in spring after the first bloom period. Avoid shearing or pruning too late in summer to prevent cutting off flower buds.

Fertilize as needed with a formula designed for acid-loving plants in late spring after the first bloom period. A soil test can help you determine if and how much fertilizer is needed, and always follow package directions.

Water well at planting time and for the first year. Once your plant has established, water weekly or as needed to maintain evenly moist but not soggy soil.

Gardener’s Confidence® Collection includes reblooming azaleas, gardenias, hydrangeas, hollies, blueberries, and more. We offer ornamental and edible plants selected for their performance in the Southeast.

WHERE TO BUY: The Echo Blooms™ Azaleas and the Gardener's Confidence® Collection are available at garden centers throughout the Southeast. Be sure to ask for it by name at your preferred garden center. 

Check out the rest of the Collection!

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Click here to see the rest of the Echo Blooms™ - Bloom 'N Again Collection with 12 varieties and colors!


Illustrations are by Lisa Nunamaker of Paper Garden Workshop. Click here for her Garden Design Page.